Port Charlotte Photo Adventures Camera Club
Port Charlotte Photo Adventurers Camera Club
Awarded by Peerspace
"Master photographer Mike Jensen covers landscapes and educational classes on the artform of photography in multiple locations in America and abroad. Shooting with intent and purpose is a major part of Mike’s photography philosophy. As he describes it, “To be a purposeful photographer you have to get up early a lot, and stay up late a lot and continue to go back until you get the shot you envision. You have to study the weather, the skies, the stars, the moon as well as the effect of the light on the terrain and other features.”
The artwork generated by his focus and intent takes us on journeys from the Serengeti to downtown Kansas City, the West, Florida and beyond. His emphasis is on a true-to-life color palette that’s rich and brings out fine landscape details, such as flowers, sky tonal ranges, and more. Mike’s long-exposure night photography is also striking, taking advantage of the lack of light pollution in the remote areas of the US to showcase the Big Dipper, the Milky Way, and other celestial wonders normally hidden from urban dwellers."
Mike & Cindy Jensen with Yusuf Ngaina, their guide for Tanzania 2020.
For over 15 years, Mike Jensen has been a master level professional photographer.
Mike and Co-Owner Cindy Jensen reside in Port Charlotte, Fl where they can be close to nature and wildlife twelve months of the year Mike has been taking photos almost all of his life, starting at age 8 with his mother’s Brownie camera. After spending a number of years in “corporate life” Mike became consumed by digital photography in 2001.
Since 2001 Mike has amassed an amazing collection of award winning landscape & wildlife images as well as provided photography services for Builders, Realtors, High School Seniors, Families, Weddings and Professional Portraits. Recognizable among his clients are Amazon and Apple.
I am an experienced teacher in Photography, Photoshop and Lightroom. I also write for many local magazines, newspapers, blogs and have authored several books.
Reach me by email or by phone at 913-304-0495.
Mike JensenMike Jensen